There is a long history of RFVM, some of which has been gathered together for reference purposes. We hope you will find this information helpful.

The first meeting of the "Reading and District Cine Club", was on 14th March 1953 with just four members working with tapes and slides. By 1959, moving with the times, the club name was changed to "The Reading Cine and Tape Recording Society"........ pictures and sound!  This name was used for over 20 years when it then changed once more and became "Reading Movie Makers", and the current name of Reading Film and Video Makers was born in 1991. We are considering a rebranding even now as of course the day of Video is past, as DVD and Blue Ray have become the current preferred media, although many films today simply get uploaded to the internet, and never become a hard copy.   Whatever next we wonder?  The Reading Cyber Film Club?

Since setting up our website over 10 years ago, this has become our Shop Window for attracting potential newcomers interested in learning the art of filmmaking, and seeing what our club has to offer.  Our website however, also offers a central storage point for club history which has become digitalised.   Unlike the old days of scrapbooks, our more recent history can now be shared amongst members, and viewed by the click of the mouse.  
We hope that interested newcomers will also enjoy dipping into our past............. a taster of the type of activities we enjoy.

Bernard and Don filming in earlier days